
Showing posts from August, 2018

Accessing a Private hosted application via Public/Bastion instance [AWS]

Let's say you have an application which you have deployed in your Private subnet in AWS and you want to access that application via your Bastion instance / Browser. 1. Assuming that you already have deployed the application on one of your Private Subnet EC2 instance. 2. If deployed correctly, that application should be accessible via http://PRIVATE_IP:PORT/ but since your private instance doesn't have internet access and you cannot directly connect to it. We will use an alternative to it. So to achieve this we will set-up an SSH tunnel and then use it to connect to our application via any Browser. $ ssh -N -R LOCAL_PORT:REMOTE_APP_HOST:REMOTE_APP_PORT USER@LOCAL_HOST -i KEY.PEM Man entry for -R flag: -R [bind_address:]port:host:hostport -R [bind_address:]port:local_socket -R remote_socket:host:hostport -R remote_socket:local_socket Specifies that connections to the given TCP port or Unix socket on the remote (server) host are to be forwarded to the gi